Life Line Feeds give a resounding “yes” to Natural Beak Smoothing
A pioneer in the Indian poultry market: that’s the best way to describe Life Line Feeds. 20 years ago, they invested in floor housing for their broiler breeders at a time when cages were still the norm in India. Soon, they will also be the first to install climate regulation (AC) in their houses. And this year they gave a resounding “yes” to Natural Beak Smoothing.
Life Line Feeds give a resounding "yes" to Natural Beak Smoothing
A pioneer in the Indian poultry market: that’s the best way to describe Life Line Feeds. 20 years ago, they invested in floor housing for their broiler breeders at a time when cages were still the norm in India. Soon, they will also be the first to install climate regulation (AC) in their houses. And this year they gave a resounding “yes” to Natural Beak Smoothing.